Elhiem Figures/ Lamercraft Mouldings

Lamercraft Mouldings was an english company that carried a very interesting range of figures, they are now being produced by Elhiem Figures and are amazingly detailed and perfectly casted. Compared to other white metal figurine I find them anatomically correct and very suitable for 72nd scale dioramas.

Lamercraft Mouldings Figurensets werden nun von Elhiem Figures produziert und bieten eine sehr interessante Auswahl an Figuren. Sie sind für Zinnfiguren sehr gut detailliert und perfekt gegossen. Anders als andere Zinnfigurenhersteller sind diese Figuren anatomisch korrekt und passen sehr gut in 1:72 Dioramen.



Weight: kg

Fallschirmjager set: FJ laying demo charges ,wearing a mix of tropical and temperate clothing. Suitable for the withdrawal from Italy or North Africa.

Deutsche Fallschirmjäger, tropisch/mediterran


Weight: kg

German staff officers:German field marshal, senior officer with three staff officers in attendance ,suitable for all fronts except Africa, all periods

Deutsche Stabsoffiziere mit Adjutant


Weight: kg

“XX” Soldiers: ”XX” Men in mixed uniforms standing ready for action as if interrupted during conversation. Suitable for all fronts 1944-45

Waffen-XX Soldaten, spät


Weight: kg

Jabo lookouts: Mixed “XX” and army figures seated and standing on vehicles acting as lookouts for the dreaded jadgbombers. Suitable for all fronts 1943-45.

Jabo Melder, diverse



Weight: kg

US Tank crew set: In mixed uniforms standing around tank having just dismounted including one having a pee. Suitable for Ardennes or Italy winter 1944-45.

US Panzerbesatzung in Winterbekleidung


Weight: kg

British tankers: British tank crew burying a comrade ,3 men in denim overalls,  in battle dress and a padre in battle dress plus a grave with cross.Suitable for north west Europe or Italy 1943-45

Britische Panzerbesatzung beim Begräbnis, für 1944 bis 45


Weight: kg

"XX” Tank crew: Standing and sitting on their tank, wearing a mixture of panzercombi and shirt sleeves. Suitable for spring and summer 1943-44 especially Kursk.

Waffen-XX Panzerbesatzung Kursk, 1943-44


Weight: kg

British tankers prisoner set: British tankers in denim overalls taking “XX” prisoners. Suitable for NW Europe or Italy.

Britische Panzerbesatzung beim Gefangennehmen von Waffen-XX Soldaten


Weight: kg

Mixed “XX” Tank crew: “XX” Tank commander with mixed crew, wearing black uniforms. Suitable for all periods 1940-45.

Waffen-XX Panzerbesatzung 1940-45


Weight: kg
M4 carbines